Be Useful: 7 Tools for Life

Be Useful: 7 Tools for Life

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A new release in the book world that is quite underrated in my opinion. It’s easy to get down on yourself, get stuck in a rut, and make excuses. This book will remind you that there is always something you can do, whether in business or your personal life. Schwarzenegger reflects on his journey throughout each career endeavor and the reality checks he gave himself along the way. He talks about the importance of dusting yourself off after you fall, walking away with a new lesson learned, and coming back into the ring stronger and more determined than before. Schwarzenegger touches on the distractions and excuses that modern-day life provides us but reminds the reader to not fall into these traps. Stand tall, stand proud, and show up 100% each time.



Favorite Quotes:

“You have 24 hours. Use them.”


“The author of Lord of the Flies was rejected by publishers 21 times. J. K. Rowling’s original Harry Potter book was rejected 12 times.”


“You need to be able to see what you want to achieve before you do it, not as you do it. That’s the difference.”


“If you can choose joy over jealousy, happiness over hate, love over resentment, positivity over negativity, then you have the tools to make the best of any situation, even one that feels like failure.”


“The only difference between them and us, between me and you, between any two people, is the clarity of the picture we have for our future, the strength of our plan to get there, and whether or not we have accepted that the choice to make that vision a reality is ours and ours alone.”


“Going for a walk, going to the gym, reading, riding your bike, taking a Jacuzzi, I don’t care what you do. If you are stuck, if you are struggling to figure out a clear vision for the life you want, then all I care about is that you make little goals for yourself to start building momentum and that you create time and space every day to think, to daydream, to look around, to be present in the world, to let inspiration and ideas in. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, at least give it a chance to find you.”


“In German, we have a saying: Wenn schon, denn schon. Roughly translated, it means “If you’re going to do something, DO IT. Go all out.”


“This life isn’t a dress rehearsal, it’s not a practice or a training session, it’s the real thing. It’s the only one you have.”


“First, create little goals for yourself. Don’t worry about the big, broad stuff for now. Focus on making improvements and banking achievements one day at a time.”


“Your job is to bust your ass in pursuit of your vision—yours and nobody else’s—and to embrace the failure that is bound to come.”


“Use it or lose it is the rule with ripe fruit, political goodwill, media attention, coupons, economic opportunity, space to pass on the highway, all sorts of things. But most importantly, it’s true of the knowledge you soak up over your lifetime. If you don’t regularly flex your mind like a muscle and put your knowledge to work, it will eventually lose its power.”


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